Reiki Journey to Royal Star Fomalhaut
This is being offered as a free gift for the participants of the Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance Summit. Please enter your discount code gasummit to receive this Reiki Journey recording for free :)
This is a 52 minute audio recording of a channeled Reiki Healing Meditation & Journey to Royal Star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus Constellation. Connect and commune with this glorious star for your healing, empowerment, and highest guidance. You may experience galactic contact with Enlightened Star Beings, explore the planetary system of Fomalhaut, connect with Archangel Gabriel, become aware of aspects of your Soul and Spirit connected to this Star, and so much more!! Be open to positive results, relax, and simply allow yourself to be guided by the light of Reiki for your highest and greatest good.
For best results, you may be seated or laying down. If at any point you need to adjust yourself or change your position, please do so! Be comfortable :)
I recommend having a journal and pen handy or a device to engage automatic writing. There will be periods of silence throughout the journey where I may ask a question, and you are invited to allow yourself to write or draw without evaluation. You just let what wants to come through you to come through you without judgment. Even if it's just scribbles or a word. You can also opt to not automatic write during the periods of silence, and simply enjoy your own inner experience.
The journey does not include music, so you are welcome to play any soothing meditation music that you enjoy. You can also be in silence and simply allow the recording to play.
Also it's important to note that you can listen to this journey as many times as you feel guided to do so, especially if you fall asleep the first time. The journey keeps giving its infinite goodness upon repetition, so feel very free and comfortable to repeat it as often as you like.
Many blessings to you & much love on your journey!
Infinite Love & Reiki Blessings,